Rating: M   (Mature themes, coarse language and nudity)
Duration: 94 mins
Director: Terry Jones
Cast: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Michael Palin
Genre: Comedy


“He’s not the Messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!”

Monty Python’s comic take on the New Testament tells the tale of Brian Cohen, a highly unlikely candidate for messiah-hood who has the miserable luck of always being in the wrong place at the right time. Born in Nazareth, baby Brian is mistakenly visited by the Three Wise Men, who were actually looking for a different infant–the one born down the street in the glowing manger. Brian leads a fairly normal life while growing up: He works as a vendor at the local coliseum, gets involved in terrorist activities, and paints anti-Roman slogans around town, but he soon finds his life changed forever when he is abducted by aliens and taken on an excursion through the cosmos. Upon his return, a group of locals decide that he’s the messiah and begin worshiping him – but he wants them to start the revolution without him.

Official Trailer